
Monday, August 30, 2010

Crazy Weekend and A Candy Corn

This weekend was very full. It started with The Girl's first Women's College Soccer game on Friday. They won 3-1 but the Girl pulled her hamstring again and had to leave the field in pain several times. She was very disappointed in her performance. By that night I realized that her allergies were more than just that and suspected that she had a full blown sinus infection on top of everything else and her asthma was worse.

In between baking for the Girl's Team Bake Sale and groceries and cleaning and dealing with the whiny Girl and forcing her to take a trip to Urgent Care and another trip to the pharmacy for antibiotics, I did manage to sew up a fun Candy Corn Plush and start work on my Halloween character stickers.
He's a larger version of my little Halloween ornament.
The Candy Corn Plush is now in my etsy shop and I hope to get my stickers done in the next few days.

I sent the Girl to school today with 2 big bins filled with 3 kinds of cookies and 4 kinds of muffins for the bake sale. I went a bit overboard probably. The girl's are going to an out of state tournament next weekend and the sale is to provide them with spending money that the athletic dept doesn't and also to go towards new warm up suits. Am also debating if I should bake some more today for the rest of the sale tomorrow.

My mom made the labels and packaged everything up so nicely.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Made My First Etsy Treasury!

I finally made my first treasury! It was fun and of course I had to make the theme my most favorite thing of all...Dr. Who!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sassy's Friday Finds - Pumpkin

The cooler more Fall like weather we are having lately has put me in a Halloween mood. Today's finds were all found under the simple word Pumpkin. 
I've gotten a wonderful response to my wanting to feature some of my blog readers on Fridays. I'll start that feature next week and through all of September and into October. If anyone I haven't already heard from wants to be featured just comment here or email me and I'll add you to the list!
Reminds me of a little hat I hid for my son who was 
born a month before Halloween.
This shop is amazing! You really should take some time
to browse there. Perfectly ghoulishly whimsical!
Love this fun plush!
This is a new favorite artist! Her art is so fun, and 
Gothic and dark. Please take a peek at her shop, 
you won't be sorry!
Carmelita would kill me in my sleep if I put
this on her but it's just so cute!
These just look so tasty!
Yep owls! Love them!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Skellies are Done...Sort of

O.k. whew these skellies wore me out! I almost went blind sewing all those tiny stitches. I still need to joint and attach their arms but was just dying to show them to you so I pinned their arms on for the photo. They will have attached arms by this afternoon. I hope I don't sound conceited but I really love how these dolls came out. I think they are the best so far. They weren't part of my original idea for my Halloween dolls set but I'm so glad I thought of them and then moved forward to do them!
They are skellies in love.
Each "bone" has hand cut without a pattern and sewn on. Yes I do know what bones really look like but the rounded blobby ones worked so much better for this design and were intentional.
Here's the last 2 sets in progress. The gray alien looking ones are mummies and the furry ones of course are werepeople. The owl fabric underneath them is for a new owl design I'm working on here and there as I have time. I saved the mummies for last cause I just wasn't sure that the design in my head would really work and I still have my doubts but I'm committed to them so will see it through.
I'm looking for a local photographer to shoot my dolls for me since I just have no room for a large light box set up here and I really want to get the best photos possible of my dolls.
I'll soon be starting on some fun Christmas designs and don't worry I haven't stopped making plush, more will be coming soon!
Thanks to everyone who leaves me such kind, encouraging comments about my dolls!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Rummage Sale Weekend

I look forward all year to my mom's yearly church rummage sale. I always score so many awesome things! I really have to limit myself to just this event because I am an overboard thrifter! I'm not called packrat for nothing! This year I got great trim, fabric swatch books, owls, vintage buttons and a sweet buffet.
These fabric books are a great find. I got the 3 big ones for 50 cents each and 2 smaller ones for 25 cents. The trim was in a bag for $1. The white on the right side that is hard to see is lace fabric I scored a yard of for 25 cents!
Check out that vintage owl! Is he awesome or what?! Trying to decide if I'll keep him as is or paint him a funky color. The sweet little owl soap dish will remain the the studio as art cause it's so great. Awesome vintage buttons and some glass ones from the 1930's are in there...squee!
Love ric rac and this bag is stuffed full in great colors for only 50 cents I also scored 2 great Cabbage Patch dolls. One is an original from the first mass production and has the features of the original soft dolls...I paid $1!!!!! I have a thing about dolls.

I went back on Sunday to see if I missed anything and they were have a "anything you can fit in a brown paper bag for $5 sale. I found more fabric swatches that were all loose so I stuffed it all in a bag and got amazing fabric, silk, suede, tapestry. It's 6 times as much fabric I got the first day.

That last great thing I got was a sweet little buffet. Once it's painted it will be adorable. Can't show a photo cause the silly thing is still in the back of the SUV. I can't get it out by myself. Will show pics when I can.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sassy's Friday Ramblings Today

Usually this is my Sassy's Friday Finds day. But I'm going to do something a bit different today so bear with my ramblings a bit..o.k.?

I thought it would be fun to do a once a month feature of someone who follows my blog. You don't have to create anything although I think most of you do. I will feature you, your hobbies, your garden, your blog, your creations, your dog, your kids, whatever, anything fun and interesting. So if you are up for it email me at sassypackrat@hotmail or just leave a comment.

This post needed some photos so here are some new digital 5" x 7" prints that are now in my etsy shop. My long time readers will remember my plush flower owls.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

This is a great idea.

I recently added a little widget to my blog about supporting Green Living.  I thought this was an awesome idea so decided to share it with you. The widget is in the upper left corner. It has little tips about small things you can do to live Greener.

If you'd like to add this widget to your blog or even just check out the tips here is the link.

This is a subject I feel so strongly about. I always do my best to reduce, reuse and recycle all that I can. My dolls and plush are made from felt that's made from recycled water bottles. I use paper for my prints and stationery from mills that don't use chemicals harmful to the environment. I send my ink and toner cartridges back to the manufacturer for recycling. I make sure to purchase products with packaging that I can recycle. I use mostly green cleaners around the house and once a year I take old, broken electronics and batteries to the big recycling center. I'm committed to doing what I can for the planet as long as I'm here. Hope you enjoy the tips!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Worktable Wednesday

I have 2 different kinds of projects going on my worktable lately. First, I'm continuing with the Halloween dolls. Mummies, Skellies and Werepeople. These will be the last of this series.
Secondly, I've been working on new digital prints to add to my etsy shop. I spent so much time this Spring and Summer working on Plush and Dolls that I've really missed doing my little graphics.
What's on your worktable today?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

No Tuesday Treasures Today.

Super busy lately so decided not to do Tuesday Treasures this week. I'm working hard at getting new things done for the shop. I couldn't decide if I wanted to put the Halloween ornaments up for sale or not but finally decided to try them. I originally wanted to have 6 but after 4 frustrating tries at doing a witch I gave up and there will only be 5 ornaments. They can be purchased as a set or as singles.
Candy Corn, Pumpkin, Bat, Frank and Black Cat
I'll have some new sweet 5" x 7" digital prints perfect for framing coming into the shop. Cupcakes, ballerinas, and I'll also try the mermaids again plus some other fun paper products.

I'm still working on the Halloween dolls and you can get a sneak peek at those tomorrow on Worktable Wednesday. I do intend to put them up for sale in my shop as soon as I have the whole set completed. They are OOAK and if I make any others they will be different.

Check out this great Penguin Treasury my Plush Penguins are in! So cute! Just gives me happy feet looking at it! If you want to see them all just click on the pic to get to the treasury.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Veruca Is Finished Dressing...Finally! And I'm Featured on a Blog.

This vampire was tough! Her hair wasn't to her liking so I spent days on it. She tried on and vetoed 4 different dresses. She's such a diva, but I have no interest in getting bitten and becoming one of the undead so I kept plodding along until she was pleased! She is still disgruntled that she's shown without a necklace for her slim white throat but I promised I'd remedy that later today when I can reach my bin of jewelery.
Veruca and Vlad together. Lovers through the centuries. Vlad waited very patiently while Veruca "dressed". He knows how she is and prefers to stay on her good side.

I woke this morning to a lovely feature on my creations by my sweet twitter friend Beth @Wildmoon and Wilde Designs Blog. Just click on the image below to go to the blog and read the lovely things she said about me and also check out her fabulous shops and fun blog. She's also a huge Dr. Who fan too, so you know I adore her!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sassy's Friday the 13th Finds

I'm not a superstitious person. I have a black cat. I'm careful around ladders because you just should be for safety sake. I do believe in ghosts because I've lived in 2 different houses with them but they don't bother me. There is a real coven of witches in the next town over, I say live and let live on that. Graveyards freak me out but I really have Dr. Who to blame for that! I am a huge horror film fan and grew up on the Friday the 13th movies. So today's finds are a fun mix.
My cat Binks is an all black cat, nose, paws, ears everything.
The poor thing has been sat upon many an time in a semi
dark room.
At 13 this movie scared the crap out of me! A very young
Kevin Bacon is in the original movie.
This artist just might be a new favorite. Love this!
Don't walk under ladders!
I think you're supossed to carry bread in your 
pocket in case you meet up with a ghost. Really, 
ghosts don't want bread!
Creepy subject matter but hauntingly lovely photo.
She'll get you my pretties!
It's the Addams Family House. Scary good fun and 
beautifully built!

What's Friday the 13th without these guys?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

2 More Halloween Ornament Ideas

Well I played around last night and came up with 2 new designs. I'm set on the Frank and candy corn ones but need a 3rd one. I did a black cat and a pumpkin. I think I'm leaning toward the pumpkin, it's cuter. But I love the contrast the cat brings to the group.
What you you guys think?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Meet Vlad and Worktable Wednesday

Vlad is done. Took me a while to figure out how to attach his cape. I wanted it to be removable. He was actually the first doll done but I set him aside until I figured the cape situation out.
He's one cool vampire dude. He's a Count, that's royalty you know. He never hesitates to tell you that before he sinks the fangs in. You should be honored.

Vlad has a companion who is on my worktable today but I don't want to show her yet. Instead I'll show 2 of the 3 Halloween felt ornaments I'm working on. I'm not sure about the 3rd one yet.
I think they are so cute. What should the 3rd one be? A cat, a witch, a bat? Any ideas? As soon as I figure out the last one I'll put these in my shop.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday Treasure and a New Doll

My Tuesday Treasure this week is my sweet pup Carmelita. We had a lot of furry family member drama last week. One of my mom's cats had to be put to sleep. He had a series of mini strokes, was in pain and hiding from everyone. I went with my mom to the vet, it was sad.

Then a few days later my son found Lita in a low blood sugar coma. Rubbing honey on her gums popped her right back but it was super scary! She had an ear infection and I couldn't get her to eat hardly anything. Finally got her into the vet and she's o.k. and back to eating again.
Lita is a 3 year old long haired Chihuahua. She is my companion. Lita fills the void left by my children growing up and not needing me. She's my 3rd child and I adore her. She's the first and only dog I've ever had. She has very cat like qualities and is the same size as my cat Binks. (I think she thinks she is a cat- my cat thinks she is) I'm severely allergic to dogs but not to Lita. I love her with all my heart and she's my treasure.

Now for the new doll. Meet Frank's bride Estell....
I had the worst time figuring out her dress. I didn't want it to be exactly like the old movie and I wanted it to kind of match Frank's tunic but be more girly. Estell is wrapped in bandages like the bride in the old movie cause I kind of liked that idea. Now that she's dressed, Frank and Estell Stein can go out on the town. Hopefully they won't scare anyone!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Frank's Done

Decided to go ahead an show each doll as I finish it so it I feel like I am getting things done instead this bogged down molasses feeling I've had lately. So Frank is done except he has one detail I need to add once I work out exactly what that is. He's the first to be completed in a series of dolls I'm doing that I just love and hope you'll like too.
He has button joints so his arms can be posed in many ways and his hips are jointed too so he can sit. I had a lot of fun making him.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Worktable Wednesday

I'm going full force on making dolls right now. Working on a Halloween set and have made good progress on 4 of the 8 I intend to complete. Here's a sneak peek.
 I went to the craft store yesterday specifically to pick up buttons to do the joints of the dolls and didn't even buy them. I'm a doofus. So I need to go back again cause 2 of the dolls are dressed and ready for limbs. I'll probably hold off on showing them until I finish the whole set but maybe not cause I get so excited and want to share what I'm doing, so we'll see.
I did pick up some great Halloween type fabric and some small detail buttons that I did need too. Also this great yarn that I have special plans for.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Frida Doll is Featured on ADO's Blog!

This is a secret I've been keeping since I found out about it last week. The Frida doll that I made for the Art Doll Only July Mini Challenge is featured today on Art Dolls Only blog! Squee! I recently noticed that they were allowing non-members to join in their challenges. I made the Queen of Hearts for their Wonderland blog challenge. I've been following this blog and many great ADO artists for a while now so I'm super excited that they choose to show my Frida doll! If you remember from my original post about this doll, I only did it because I was bedridden for a few days and needed something to occupy my mind and decided to try this one. So, so glad I did!
Here's the link to their blog. Art Dolls Only Blog.

Tuesday Treasures

Today's Treasure is something dear to my heart. It's a cross stitch piece to commemorate the birth of my first child. I started it before he was born then finished the details after. As you can see I never had it framed. It's a large piece at 21"w x 12"h and was costly to mat and frame when I became a stay at home mom. Then after the divorce money was super tight and I just packed it away. I feel bad I never had it framed and also that I never made the companion piece for my daughter. At almost 21 and 18 I don't think they really care, but I do. Awww darn it! I didn't mean for this to get all sad! Just wanted to show some creative things I used to make back in the day. I was the cross stitch queen and made all kids of baby type things for friends and relatives.
Do you have any creative efforts that you never finished and regret?