Lita with her favorite toy.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Worktable Monday
Lots of things are going on in Sassy Pack Rat Studios. Still doing penguins, made a bunch of bodies for some dolls and working on my vintage circus piece. I brought a new "flesh" color. Not sure how I'm liking it yet. My work isn't too realistic anyway so it should fit right in with it's peachy self.
Oh dismembered body parts!!!!!!
This will be a crazy week. My mom is having surgery tomorrow. She's getting another new knee. I tease her and say she's going to become Jamie Sommers (The Bionic Woman) and run very fast in slow motion through the woods. (Only people of a certain age will get this reference). I'll be offline all day tomorrow and if you'd be so kind to wish my mom well with her surgery, I'd appreciate it.
The weekend she comes home from the hospital is my nephew's weekend with my brother. It'll be craziness around here! I only hope I survive it.
Be back soon with hopefully more to show!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
What's Happening In Sassyland?
I know I haven't posted in a bit. I've been so busy but I don't have much to show. I'm working on a 300 mini penguin project for a client. I have 150 just about ready to sew together and stuff. It's taking up huge amounts of time and is bothering my carpel tunnel but I'm plowing along.
I am still working on my Circus challenge piece. After some initial proportion problems with my companion piece things are moving smoother. Here's the horse. I need to trim her mane it's too Unicorn and and she is a horse. I originally started a horse soft sculpture back in January or so POST HERE that I never finished. I used that pattern with some modifications for this project so although I never finished the first one I did finish it with this one. Does that make sense?
I have 2 other dolls in the works but they are still in my head. I'm still working out the basic details before starting. The Wonderland piece is still bumping around in there too. I plan to start that in the summer. I have such an urge to start Halloween pieces too!
My studio was featured on ADA's Blog so if you haven't already seen my creative space or are interested in my rambling on about it, you can check it out. It's not pretty but it works for me.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
My Etsy Shop Is Closed For A While.
I've decided to put my etsy shop on an extended vacation. Since I've started a new path into art dolls and stopped making plush for a while I don't have anything to put in the shop. I also have had a disturbing trend the last couple of months of people asking about creations, saying they intend to buy them, I list them and the person just disappears. I know this kind of thing can happen to everybody but my last 7 requests have been like this. It's made me very cautious and well just plain mad. It takes time, energy and money to list things. Maybe I'm crazy but I do expect people to have the manners to say that they have changed their mind about the purchase. I can respect that and have no problem with it. When nothing is said I feel like I'm being messed with, especially when it happens over and over again.
So all of that being said my etsy shop is closed until further notice. I'll probably open up again late Summer or early Fall.
So all of that being said my etsy shop is closed until further notice. I'll probably open up again late Summer or early Fall.