
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Update on Sassyland

I haven't blogged in a bit because my mom had knee replacement surgery and all I was working on was those 300 penguin ornament wedding favors. Kind of boring stuff really. Well the good news is my mom is doing really well after her surgery and is back to doing most things again so my time of taking care of her was short. The other good news is that I finally finished those darn penguins! And on time too!

After this project I was feeling really burned out. I have a directionless feeling. Not sure if the path I set myself on is the right one. Should I continue making my felt dolls? Should I spend more time doing paper clay dolls? Should I go back to making plush dolls? So many questions and no answers yet. Do any of you ever feel this way?

After sitting around resting for a few days I felt the itch to start making something. Luckily I had a doll body pre-made weeks ago so I could just dive right in. I set myself a goal to try and have one of my creations published so I grabbed on to that idea to keep me motivated.
Here she is in her glory. Her face is done now but I'm not going to show that yet. But I'll show her shoes.
I'm not a great beader so I'm just trying to give the idea of a.....well it's a moccasin. I hope it looks like one. It took me 2 days to do just this one.

I am still working on my Vintage circus piece too after setting it aside for a month. I made the trick rider for the horse and discovered that the weight of the doll was too much for the horse's legs to support. ARRRGGGHHHH!!!! I re-did the joints and the problem is solved. The horse now has his costume finished too.
Here is the rider WIP. She now has a head but I rushed doing it and she's a very ugly girl. I'm trying to decide if I should re-do her head or just go with it.

Anyhoo just in case you were wondering what I've been up to...there it is.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'm Still Here...

...even though it may not seem that way. My mom had knee replacement surgery and is doing well. She's able to do a lot for herself now what makes it so much easier on me. The first week was really stressful for us both. I don't think I'm a very good caretaker, but I do try so I guess that's what counts. The 5 months I took care of my step dad about did me in so it was hard to pull the energy together to help my mom.

My mom or my brother usually do the cooking and we all eat together. I'm not a great cook, as a matter of fact I really enjoy watching cooking shows but hate cooking myself. So it's been a struggle to feed everyone. (My brother is working a lot of late hours at work learning a new computer tracking system). Thank goodness some lovely church friends of my mom's dropped by with casseroles and helped us get through.

I've had to put projects on hold again cause I just can't deal with my mom and other family issues and taking care of the entire house, shopping, cooking, dealing with my own medical issues and doing this large penguin order, etc right now. My stress and anxiety level is a bit high right now but I'm managing. I guess I sound like a whiner but really I'm just exhausted. I had much more energy 4 years ago when my mom had her first knee done.

I have 80 of the 300 penguins completely finished!
Here's what I have left to do.

I ran out of the ribbon for the hanging loops and have not been able to find it anywhere. Tomorrow I'm taking a run out to the far away Hobby Lobby cause I hear they have it. Fingers crossed!

I received a package from Fed Ex this morning. From my mom for Mother's Day. She is just the sweetest!
It's that a pretty box? What's inside?
Cookies from Harry and David. My mom rocks!

Well now you know what's going on with me and I hope soon to have more to show than penguins.