
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I Will Be Posting On This Blog Soon...

I'm in the process of re-designing dolls, re-vamping my business and basically getting my shit together. All my time last summer and Fall was taken up with caring for my mother after she was released from the hospital and my own illness. I went to the ER twice in October and was finally admitted to the hospital where I had surgery. Thank goodness for my daughter who held down the fort at home and cared for my mom while I was unable to. I've been physically and emotionally exhausted all Winter and am just starting to feel normal (well normal for me) again.

Here are 2 little felt dolls that I was able to get done before Christmas. 

While I was in the hospital Red and Wolfie sold as did my Black Cat Witch. I'm so very grateful to those buyers! I was beginning to think there was no customer base for my work and was seriously thinking about quitting making dolls. Now I'm more energized and have so many fun things to post soon.

I'm now making patterns for sale. If you want a chance to preview them for FREE subscribe to my newsletter and get awesome member benefits!