
Friday, February 12, 2010

Never Let Me Go To The Craft Store Alone!

I went a little nuts at the
craft store yesterday!

I needed embroidery thread bad! I was so tired of making do
with the colors I had so I made a little swatch card with all
my felt colors and then took that to the store with me to
match colors. Turned out to be one of the smartest
things I've ever done. The I wrote the DMC thread numbers
on the swatch card next to the felt color so I always
 know which one I used. Brillant eh?
I also bought a ton of thread all not shown here, a bunch
of stuff on clearance, paper punches, magnets and
needle packs because for some reason I'm down
to only one needle. How does that happen?

Oh and I found this. SCORE! I love this magazine.
It only comes out twice a year and I can never
find it, but I did this time, the very last one!
It has so much inspiration and some of my
twitter friends and people who's blogs I follow have
softies in here! Squee! So excited!


  1. thanks for sharing, never heard of this magazine, I want to check it out
    have a great weekend
    your fairy friend

  2. Oh, we all need to splurge once in a while!

  3. Hey I forgot
    Happy Valentines Day
    I love your blog, come over and get your Sunshine award to brighten up your weekend
    your fairy friend

  4. I buy that magazine too!
    Junker Jane has her Monsters in there and I LOVE her work!!!

  5. I have been eying that magazine for a couple of months! and don't worry, i do that at the fabric store ALL the time :)

  6. LOL the same thing happens to me each time I take a trip to the fabric store! I leave with waaaaaay more stuff than I intended to buy when I left the house.
