
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Start With One Bunny And You Know What Happens!

A sweet little White Chocolate Bunny has moved into the studio.

She has an adorable cottontail.

Hippity Hoppity Easter's on it's way!

And so are Carmel, Milk Chocolate and Dark Chocolate Bunnies!

I think they need ribbons around their necks...what do you think?


  1. So cute! You have been busy, busy! my goodness! So many cuties. I think a ribbon would be fabulous. Not only are the chocolate bunnies cute, but they're fat free and zero calories too!

  2. I love bunnies !!!!! these are soo cute LOL
    your fairy friend

  3. You make such magical stuff. Ribbon would be lovely. I got chocolate bunnies one year that had little red ribbon necklaces, and I still have the ribbon.
    I'm whackadoodle like that.

  4. Mmmmm Yummy!
    I like the ribbon idea, maybe gold?
    like they wrap around candy!
    Whatever you decide, I know I'll love it!

  5. Uh oh! You're going to be overrun by bunnies soon;-) Adorable!

    P.S. On a serious note, I used to work with rabbits at a rescue, and would just like to share that they can be spayed and neutered:-) They really do reproduce at an alarming rate.

  6. So very Cute Love the chocolate brown one!

  7. watch out or those cuties will mulitply...
    gorgeous design. so glad you decided to keep going with the blog.
    p.s. for some reason your button wont let me follow you but i do pop in from time to time :)
