
Monday, May 10, 2010

My Shop Was On The FP of Etsy

And I missed it! According to Facebook, my shop was on the Front Page of etsy on or around 6 am central time this Saturday morning. I can't believe I missed it! Sigh!

On another note. My vintage inspired Feather Owl is finished and in the shop.

This is Freida. She's the last OOAK owl I'll make for a while. I really liked this design and want to make it again in a different color pallet. Thinking of maybe hand dying the felt for some colors I want but can't get.


  1. OH DANG IT! I missed it too!
    but Congrats!
    Wow! I LOVE Freida!
    The colors are Fantastic!

  2. Congrats on being on the front page! :D
    Love that owl. :)

  3. I missed it, I always miss stuff, the owl is beautiful, love your art work

  4. Oh, yay yay yay, happy front page to you. You so deserve it!

  5. LOVE Frieda! Another great owl! I really like her 3 feathers at the top. It really adds a nice design element to her. Congratulations at making on the FP of Etsy...woohoo! :)

  6. The owl is beautiful! Congrats on the fp feature, do you know what the item was?

  7. Hope you had a Wonderful Mothers Day! Stop On Over I'm having a Virtual Baby Shower for my daughter Breezy, games and prizes, would love to see you there! Let's Get This Party Started!! Hugs, Diane

  8. Congratulations! That is super exciting! This owl is really great! I love the colors!

  9. Based on the views I'd say the owl featured on the FP was the Tallulah the Tulip owl.

  10. You weren't awake at 6am on Saturday just in case? Congrats!!! The FB feature that alerts you is pretty cool. And your owls are adorable!!!

  11. Congrats on FP!! That is sooo exciting!! What a pretty owl!

  12. I love your work - just gorgeous! Loving the owls!
