
Friday, September 24, 2010

Lots Going On..

I'm not doing Friday Finds this week due to too much going on but I have 2 more great artists lined up and am looking for more.

This has been a crazy week for many reasons. My oldest and only son turns 21 today. I'm working away at my witch dolls which are coming along well. I learned how to sew hair on my dolls which gives them a whole new dimension and I'm pretty geeked about that! I have tons of felt to cut out for Christmas/winter plush creatures and more dolls. I've also revived my stationery business. 

Oh you didn't know I had a stationery business? Not surprising as I let it slip by the wayside this past Spring. I needed a rest and unfortunately that couple of weeks turned into months. I really wanted to concentrate on plush making and while I think I used that time wisely I feel the pull of drawing little graphics and miss my clients. I'm also currently working on a separate blog just for my stationery.

I've been on ebay for 6 years and my stationery was headquartered there but was tired of the fees. I also was unhappy with my website so am putting everything on Zibbet.

So if you are a former stationery client or just looking for fun and whimsical paper goods, come check me out there.

I've gotten a wonderful response for my little witch owl giveaway! Thanks everyone! I want to mention a great blog friend who was so kind to put a button/badge on her blog about my giveaway. She is also having a giveaway, so quick get over there she's picking a winner tonight!


  1. Aw, Jen, you are so welcome. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your son. That is a milestone, isn't it? To have one turn 21? Yikes, I almost went into shock last year when my oldest turned 21. :) I'm glad you are making witches! I can't wait to see them! Happy weekend - xox Pam

  2. Happy Birthday to your son!
    Wow, time flies.....
    I'll have to go check out your stationery! I took a few days off from the computer and now I'm frantically trying to catch up with my favs!
    I can't hardly wait to see your witches. I love witches!
    Take care! XOXO - Cindi

  3. Looking forward to the stationery relaunch!

  4. We love our customised Sassy address labels. I've added your new location to my bookmarks. :)

  5. Totally didn't know you did stationary! It looks like you have some super cute designs, too!
