
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Today is my Mom's Birthday

So I decided to take a step back from the doll project and show you all what I made last night for my mom. Today is my mom's 70th birthday. She doesn't look 70 really so high hopes for me keeping my youthful appearance! Anyway I made her a sweet little plush cake holding a banner in her favorite colors.
 My silly cake
 I wish I could take credit for the design but I can't, it belongs to the wonderful Elizabeth of Bluebird Papercrafts, formerly Creative Breathing. I did this cake in my personal style. Elizabeth is one of the most creative people I know and she doesn't sell any of her work. Get this, she freely gives you her patterns! Amazing right?! Besides sweet plush she is an amazing paper crafter, please go check out her blog if you never been there before. I know you'll spend hours reading thru her stories and looking at her marvelous creations.
 Isn't Elizabeth's version sweet?
I couldn't find a link to this on her blog. I know it's there somewhere cause I've had it saved on my computer for a long time. Her roses are outstanding and mine not so great but mom will love it anyway. Happy Birthday Mom!


  1. Happy Birthday to your mom! Your cake is really cute! :) Pam

  2. I like both of them in their own special way. Happy bday to your mom. Hope you guys have a fun time. My mom's is Friday.

  3. I LOVE your cake! Soooooo cute and sooooo well done! The other cake is wonderful too but I LOVE yours! Thanks for sharing! Hope your mom had a great birthday! :)

  4. Happy Birthday Jennifer's Mommy!
