
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday Worktable

I'll almost complete a witch today. I discovered last night that I don't have the right color yarn for her hair. Ugh! So she'll be bald for a while and I'll move on to another doll. Anyway here she is so far.
Armless and with a unfinished smoochy head. I promise she'll be better looking when she's finished. I seem to have gotten my creative mojo flowing again and am getting lots done. Yay!

What's on your worktable today?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Zach in Sassyland.

This is my almost 3 year old nephew Zachary who runs rampant around my house on the weekends. He's so adorable. He always yells "Auntie where are you!" "What ya doing?" "Making dollies?" I just love him so much!
Here's the free falling doll from my other post with limbs attached. Zach says she needs clothes and I agree. So once I can make a decision she'll be dressed and get hair.
I finished my last custom Tardis order for a while.I plan to have in stock ones for the holidays instead of made to order. This one now resides in Singapore of all places.
My paper clay order has arrived and super fast. I'm itching to finish the little dolls I started so long ago it seems now. I have 4 felt dolls to finish first then it's a messy clay free for all! Whoo Hoo!
Oh and I might be making a felt Yeti for a friend of my son's. So it's busy, busy, busy here in Sassyland!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


This is me falling through time and space, a rabbit hole or being sucked into the black hole of my studio! Oh nooooo! Too much going on right now!

I'm a bit overwhelmed by all my projects and life stuff. Change is very difficult for me. My brother has moved in. He's going thru a divorce and a foreclosure. We haven't lived together since I was 21 and he was 12 so it's different to say the least. He has his boys every other weekend (although it's been every weekend so far) so the house is filled with noise and boys. I love my nephews and enjoy seeing them but it is putting a little crimp in my productivity. Just something I'm going to have to work around I guess. The best news is that my brother is an amazing cook. He'll come home after a full work day and whip up a fantastic meal! It's so nice not to have to worry about that!

I've ordered paper clay online cause hiking out to the Hobby Lobby in this 100 degree heat just wasn't an option. So hopefully I'll finally finish the paper clay dolls that are hanging around. Still working on witches but not happy with their clothes, of course! I should have something finished by next week.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cucurbita The Pumpkin Spirit

In the crisp fall evening under a full and waxy moon, movement is seen in the pumpkin patch. The pumpkin spirit Cucurbita rises from her bed of earth to tend the pumpkins infusing them with magic. They will become the most special of Jack-o-lanterns, lit to scare away the evil spirits and keep the townspeople safe.

She was originally going to be a witch but she had other ideas and I'm glad I listened because she was correct. She could be nothing other than what she is. Whew, her head was so challenging but I really like how it came out! 

Cucurbita is a OOAK soft sculpture doll made from my own pattern. It's doubtful she'll be re-created unless it's just for me. I hope you enjoy seeing her.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Weekend Worktable Peek

I was stressing the other day about clothes for my dolls. I always stress about this. I do not find making clothes easy or fun so I tend to go very simple and yet still stress. But for these new dolls I wanted real clothes and of course I was stressing and yelling and flinging fabric about. My daughter walks in and says" Geesh mom don't be so hard on yourself. You always make things harder than they have to be!" (so true) So I dove in with both both hands and made a real dress with lining and everything! To real sewers this is no big deal but to me it was huge! I thank my great friend Jorge from The Hive. He sent me a great doll pattern book. Although I didn't use the actual patterns the illustrations on the clothes construction was amazing helpful! Gracias Jorge!
This pic reminded me a bit like the witch Dorthy's house fell on. LOL!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mermaids Done

Well finally the mermaids are done. My back is still a bit twingy but better. Before my back issues I was creating full force but now have slacked off to almost nothing. I had to really push to get the mermaids done. They are completely different than I originally imagined them. I think I like them but mostly am relieved that they are done.
Just quick shots in my studio. Each is similar but different. I usually sew on all the details before stuffing the piece but since these were originally prototypes I had to do the details after.
 Each has a seahorse that has been beaded on the large part of the tail.
All the felt details have been beaded also. I'm loving czech glass beads right now. You can't see the details well but they really are much nicer in person.
They can be posed many different ways.
My favorite is the blue one. I think she's the prettier one. Once I get better photos these two will be available in my shop. Well I'm off to push myself to work on the witches that have been standing around waiting for me.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

USA plays France today in semi finals.
I'll be yelling and jumping up and down.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A quick post

I threw my back out Tuesday morning and spent a bit of time laying in the hallway. I was the only one home. Eventually I ended up crawling into the livingroom and there I stayed for a few hours until my daughter came home. Not fun being so helpless. I don't recommend it. I'm trying to take it easy today so my daughter is typing this post for me. I really can't sit long enough to do anything at all. It's annoying. Any way I can't have a post without pictures so here's one of the mermaids I was working on over the weekend and my cat who has taken over a box under my work table. Hope to be back online soon!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday's Worktable. It's A Dark and Rainy Day ...

...perfect for working on witches! I have 2 more bodies to sew but I decided to play around with some fabrics. I'll be working on faces and attaching heads over this long holiday weekend, so they'll really start to look like something soon.
 I received Omayra's doll from Patrick's 4th of July swap and she's wonderful. I'll just treasure her! I love to see close up how other people do their dolls. The dress is amazing! This photo doesn't do her justice.
Here's a quick shot of my pup Lita yesterday checking out the view on top of my felt storage.