
Friday, January 27, 2012

WIP Friday or Another Unending Project

I wanted to share a project that I've been working on for a while, or at least started a while ago. I had an idea for a soft sculpture piece and got really excited about it. Unfortunately I'm more of an instant gratification person and this was going to take a long time and I kept getting side tracked by family things. Basically I lost momentum. Sigh!

Anyhoo it was a cool project so I that if I shared it with you maybe I could get back on track again. If you follow me on twitter or Facebook you might remember I was trying to make a reindeer. Somehow it got turned into a horse. Have you ever seen a real reindeer? They are not attractive animals. So the horse just works out better. I started from the beginning with a drawing and worked my pattern up from there. I wanted the horse to look as realistic as possible but yet be able to pose it. It took a while to get the pattern just right but I'm finally happy with it.
This is where I started and made modifications from here. Some of the pieces I drew on the computer and some I drew by hand. Mostly the gussets I drew by hand since they had to be modified again and again for the best fit. Gussets are what give a 3D plush the right shape.
I scored some great wool blend felt for this project. I still scratch when using this but it's o.k. (I'm allergic to wool) and I need the thickness for this.
See the white on the horse's face? That's a gusset and it'll round out and give shape to her face. She looks a bit cow like here but when I stuffed her head she looked very nice.
She has a gusset on her back too. I plan on putting a saddle on her. Horses have big hips and butts and I need the butt area since she'll be carrying two riders.
Here she is with her legs and I just realized the front leg is on backwards! Good thing they aren't attached yet! Silly me.
Here she is with her mane attached. I need to do her tail, eyes, stomach gusset, hoofs, finished stuffing, attach the legs, sew, clothe and detail the people. Doesn't sound like much but believe me it's hours and hours of work and I'm just not feeling it.

So if anyone would like to give me a kick in the butt or even leave happy and kind comments maybe I could get motivated to finish this.


  1. Get on with it!!!!:)'s going to be great. It's got a nice shape so I think it will work out.

  2. He/She will be fabulous. What a great gift it will be to someone. You don't want to miss that chance!

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Horses!
    PLEASE finish it!
    I want to see it all done.
    :D - Cindi

  4. I am TOTALLY impressed and if you don't continue working on this I might have to walk to IL and kick you in the butt in person. Please don't make me walk to IL. It'll take me forever and I'll probably pass out on mile 10. :)

  5. Nice work...
    Plz continue your fantastic work...

    Thanks for sharing it...

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