
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Some Words on a Wednesday

My mom's birthday was Friday. My daughter and I spent the entire evening at Urgent Care and Walgreen's getting her seen and meds and didn't get home until 10:30 pm. So we celebrated on Saturday. I made my mom a very special cake. It was a rainbow type cake but I only made 4 layers and did them in my mom's favorite colors. Pinterest inspired me to do this.
It was a secret cake. Plain white on the outside. But when I cut the first piece there was oooooing and ahhhhing. These aren't the best photos but I was very please by how it came out so I wanted to share.
My mom was so surprised and just loved it. She took a piece to church the next day to show people and also took a piece to work on Monday.
Want a slice?


  1. That's so much fun! I can only imagine the reaction. And what a great kudos to you for her to show the pieces off to everyone. Happy Bday to your mom. My mom's was Sunday.

  2. I'm averting my eyes.

    But you are a wonderful daughter to make such a special surprise cake and to take such good care of your Momma.

  3. That is a very pretty cake! I want to make one for jenna's b-day in july!
