
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday's Worktable.

I've been feeling a bit blah lately. I've started projects, become unhappy with them and then tossed them into the body parts bin. So if you were hoping to see more wips of things I had been showing you will be disappointed. The wave pattern skirt is one of those projects. I started to embroider on it and just HATED it. I couldn't do what I saw in my head and became too frustrated. I'll go back to it but later after I've had time to think and calm down. The headless seated body is another of those projects.

This is my table right now. I designed a new pattern and have been making modifications to it. I think I finally have it the way I want it so I'll be making these dolls for a while. They are fairly quick to make, easily modified, have hand embroidered details and are mostly machine sewn. Hopefully you'll see them in the next few months and be able to say "Oh those are Jennifer Tobicoe's dolls". My creations have been a bit scattered design wise the last few years. Unless you know me or follow my work closely you probably wouldn't be able to see that it was all "Jennifer's work". I'll be showing more wips soon and also blogging more.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Art Doll Quarterly Has Arrived...

and my doll is in it!!!!!!!!!! I joined in last year for their Topsy Turvy Doll Challenge. The magazine came last night and I was jumping for joy to see my doll published in this wonderful magazine. I didn't really exactly always  "feel" like an art doll artist until I got word from the publisher that I was in. Now I know it. It's been validated.
I did Frank and his Bride Elsa for my doll. It was a challenging doll to do and one of my most favorite dolls I've created so far. I started in in July and finished it in August of 2012. Here's a link to photos I took of Frank and Elsa.
 Here they are! The first line of text says, Artist Jennifer Tobicoe, that's me! LOL! I lost a lot of sleep waiting to hear if they wanted to publish my work. I'm super glad I put myself out there and grateful for the not so gentle prodding of a friend who told me to just send it in. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lack of Motivation

I'm going through a period of complete lack of any motivation. It happens now and then and I know it will end eventually, but it's tough going right now. I have 2 large projects in the works and a Valentine swap piece to make, another project to start next month, and interview to write up and lots of ideas for things. Just can't get myself going. In a weird way I kind of feel like I'm waiting for something, what that is I don't know.

I've been feeling closed in and squeezed in my studio lately. So I packed all my dolls away and moved supplies around so that things were off the floor. I moved my old sewing machine onto a shelf so I would stop banging my foot on it everyday. I also moved all of my clay and painting supplies to the shelves above my clay table (where my dolls used to hang out). I moved my new sewing machine to one side of the clay table to give me room on my regular worktable. I feel calmer now but still not motivated.

My daughter has been sick and I've been running around taking care of her. The poor thing is either in her bed or on the couch. But she has some furry friends to cuddle with.
 I think I need a vacation, but since that's not going to happen I'll continue to wander around the house until my mojo comes back...hopefully soon.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Another Worktable Wednesday

Haven't done much this past week. I threw my back out last Thursday and haven't been motivated to do things. But I do have a progress photo on something.
 Sketches of a new project.

This is my long term project so you'll see wips as I have time to work on it. Here is where I am so far. There will be embroidery and beading etc.

The seated doll I showed previously hasn't been worked on so nothing to show there. Hope you all are working on awesome fun things!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday's Worktable

Trying to remember to blog more and since I am working on something I can share here we go!
A headless and hand less WIP. I'm not going to tell you what she is until she's futher along. I have a ton of beading to do on this one plus she will have furniture too. She may not actually be done by the end of the month. I have no deadline set for her so she's done when she's done. Sorry for her naked bottom I took this before I made her bloomers. The colors and detail are better in this photo, so hey we all have bottoms that are naked sometimes...right?
Here's a shot with her bloomers. You can see my messy worktable. I have only about the space you see to work in since my new sewing machine shares this table and the right side is covered in patterns, felt and fabric. Unfortunately I don't have a dedicated sewing table and I have to sew standing up slightly hunched over. No complaints, I'm just happy to have this awesome machine. I'm gaining a lot on confidence on it which makes me feel good. And feeling good is awesome!

Underneath and behind the doll above you may see some sketches. Those are for the other doll I'm making this month. It's another doll that I can share and I'll show more once I get started.
These are the yummy colors of felt That I'll be using on the 2nd doll. I'm super excited about this project and can't wait to share when I can.

What's on your worktable this week?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Swap Doll Is Here!

A package arrived yesterday from Florida. Inside was a lovely doll from Moriah Betterly of MLB Studios! In a previous post I showed you the doll I made for Moriah, now I get to share with you the doll Moriah made for me. 

I just love Day of the Dead, Dia de los Muertos. Moriah made me a lovely La Calavera Catrina style doll. She's so hauntingly beautiful!
To give you an idea of her size, she's just slightly under 12 inches tall. I don't know how Moriah works on a face so (to me) small and gives it such amazing detail.
I have small hands so this gives you a good idea of her head size. She has a beautiful crown of black and pink roses.
She has a sweet stitched bodice with black lace.
Her skirt has beautiful ruffles with a sweet tieback over skirt. The photos are coming out really pink but the color is more a lovely dark magenta with sparkles.
Moriah also included one of her new snowman ornies. I love snowmen and this is a great piece. He has a paper clay head, hands, feet and I believe buttons too with a sewn and stuffed body. It's a work of art in itself.
I will treasure both of these always!

If you'd like to see more of Moriah's art check out the links below.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Tour Of My Studio - 2013

I moved everything around in my studio a few months back but never got around to taking pics. I was starting to have some serious anxiety issues with my lack of space. This new configuration helped relieve some of the anxiety for a while but I'm running out of space again. Anyway this is as clean as it gets. Let's tour shall we?

This was my original plan. Things changed slightly but it's mostly the same.
My studio is in the dining room. I have my large couch blocking part of the entrance because the living room is weird and there is nowhere else to put it.
Behind the couch there is a small bookcase that I use the top of to iron small things. Books and magazines are stored on the shelves. Next to the book case is a wire shelving unit that holds my printer and printer supplies.

Computer desk with cushion underneath for the cat.
Large wire shelves that I moved from the window wall to in front of the kitchen door. Everything is neatly labeled so I can find things but now I'm running out of room so things are piled in front of the shelf.
Clay table with shelves I moved over on the wall. I always meant to make a table skirt so all the crap under the table was hidden...oh well.
My main worktable is now in front of the window so I have better light during the day. A portion of the table is taken up by my new sewing machine.
Next to that table is my felt storage. The small boxes on top have trims and things.

As you can see I'm really packed in here tight. And this is after a good clean out. I won't tell you how much I have stored in the garage too. My brother has said he intends to move out this summer so I'm trying to hold on til then. If he does move I'll take over his room which is the Master bedroom. It's not a huge room at all but just big enough so I can spread out and breathe a bit. Keeping my fingers crossed this happens cause once I'm in there I'm not moving back out.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Year In Review

2012 wasn't the greatest year for me health-wise etc. I know for some people it was way worse so I'm not really going to complain about my little life. Looking forward to 2013 being much better and will work hard to achieve that for myself.

Going to show a photo review of the year. Some notable highlights of the year were: I was published for the first time in Soft Dolls and Animals Magazine. I was accepted into Art Dolls Only Group and I really did some of my best work so far. Pretty darn pleased with those. I also jumped out of my comfort zone kicking and screaming. Was one of the best things I've ever done for myself.

Custom Ornament
Paper Clay Valentine Bunny
 Paper Clay Snow Kids
Vintage Easter Swap
Vintage Circus Challenge
 300 Penguin Wedding Ornaments
Native American Doll

Elsa and Frank Topsy Turvy Doll
 Prim Doll Challenge
Day of The Dead Challenge
 Big Frank Plush
Vintage Halloween Swap

Halloween Ornament Swap
Christmas Ornament Swap
Fall Themed Swap Doll

When I have them all on one post like this I see how much time and energy I spent on these so I guess it was a good creative year even though it wasn't a quantity year. 

I wish you all a fantastic 2013!