
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Art Doll Quarterly Has Arrived...

and my doll is in it!!!!!!!!!! I joined in last year for their Topsy Turvy Doll Challenge. The magazine came last night and I was jumping for joy to see my doll published in this wonderful magazine. I didn't really exactly always  "feel" like an art doll artist until I got word from the publisher that I was in. Now I know it. It's been validated.
I did Frank and his Bride Elsa for my doll. It was a challenging doll to do and one of my most favorite dolls I've created so far. I started in in July and finished it in August of 2012. Here's a link to photos I took of Frank and Elsa.
 Here they are! The first line of text says, Artist Jennifer Tobicoe, that's me! LOL! I lost a lot of sleep waiting to hear if they wanted to publish my work. I'm super glad I put myself out there and grateful for the not so gentle prodding of a friend who told me to just send it in. 


  1. Congratulations! That is so awesome!!!

  2. I was in the same boat as you. Not feeling my work was good enough, thinking I wasn't really an artist and a friend of mine climbed all over me about it and TOLD me to send in my work. I did and was published. So, my prodding of you was really just a Pay It Forward. :) Subtlety was never my strong suit. Congratulations, Jen! It is so deserved and if I ever hear you say you're not good enough again I will have to fly to Chicago and shake you!

  3. YAY!!!! Congrats! I love that doll. It looks so cool - they did a great job on the photos. :)) xox

  4. Congratulations!!!!!!

    Great work, your doll is awesome :)


  5. CONGRATS TO YOU!!! That is really awesome!

  6. Congratulations!!!!! Was there any doubt it would be published?....sheesh. It was amazing:)
