
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Made Some Decisions.

It's been a very difficult month for me so I've decided to make my life as easy as possible. My OZ series of soft sculptures will be an on going project for the rest of the year. I don't have the energy to finish them up in say a month or 2 like I thought I could. Coming to this realization really sucks and I fought really hard against it but I need to be honest with myself and remove a lot of stress from my life.

I apologize to those of you who were waiting eagerly for the next character to be finished. It will happen eventually, just slower that I originally anticipated.

I've been working on the small doll design and will have some finished soon. The design is perfect for laying on the couch, watching movies and sewing.

A new order of felt just came in and I'm excited to work in some new colors. Don't you just love getting new supplies? It makes my brain go all into overdrive!
What's your favorite supply?

1 comment:

  1. Felt....I love felt with a passion...LOL I even have sample cards from various vendors to look at....sad isn't it.
