
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Starting From Scratch....

turning what was a hobby business into a real business. I was so ill for the last few years I wasn't able to run a proper business but now that I'm better health wise I'm eager to do this properly.

To start I need a real logo. Then I need to create a brand. I did some branding designs a few months ago but I wasn't happy with them and I still didn't have a logo. Here's one design, it was very specific for a certain kind of doll I was making at the time. Cute, but this doesn't solve any of my problems.

I really liked the color palette I originally had, it was whimsical and bright without being too childlike, so I decided to keep it. Since I'm starting a new venture with new dolls I flirted with the idea of changing my business name. I wondered if I'd outgrown it? If it was still me? I started on ebay with this name almost 10 years ago selling vintage toys. I did some research and discovered I have a really good google presence with this name so I decided to keep it but tweak it a little. My original name was four words which I found to be unwieldy, so I decided to make Packrat one word and it became cleaner and simpler, much easier to work with. 

So I dusted off my graphic design skills (such as they are after all this time) and sat down, thought, researched, sketched and came up with some ideas that I liked. Here are four versions of one design I thought had some potential.
The logo will need to cover a couple of different style of handmade dolls, plush and possibly some paper goods too. Once this is finished I can move on to doing a selling site (I'm leaving etsy), changing up my blog, business cards and other promotional materials. I may just be talking to myself at this point but if anyone finds any of this interesting leave a comment.

Want to read more about this? PART 2 and PART 3 can be found here.


  1. I'll be interested to see where you go with this. Are you talking about selling on your own site or another site that sells? I'm not happy with the changes on etsy and may leave it too. Online bear shows and BearPile have been my best selling venues lately. Doing the online shows I have mastered PayPal buttons and could put them on my own site.... but then there's the traffic Good luck with your new direction!!

  2. I really like the top and bottom logos in the last image. Good luck with all of this. I'll be following your progress eagerly. I've thought about setting up an Etsy shop for ages but keep procrastinating. Seeing the work needed behind it through you will be very educational for me.

  3. I really really like number 4 except there are too many esses in sassy or did you do that on purpose. I personally think it's a good shape and size and it would be adaptable to use for different purposes. Just saying:)

  4. I'm here!
    I've been thinking the same thing too.
    It's time to stop talking about it and get serious.
    I need to brand myself and open a shop.
    I have had a shop on Etsy that I created in 2009 and never used.
    It's just sitting there and now I think I will never open it. It's because of all the things I've been reading and after some research, I think I will open on Big Cartel.
    I'm excited for you and eager to see what you will do.
    As far as my pick on your logo ideas?
    I think I like #4 with one less S and I like the stitching and the embroidery circle but I'm kinda finding the circles (glasses) distracting.
    You go girl! :)
