
Monday, May 18, 2015

Wow It's Been A Month...

since I lasted posted. Sorry about that! I really got caught up in the fantasy soft sculpture piece I showed the beginning of in my last post. This was the first piece in a long time that I really enjoyed making. I may make 2 more pieces for a series, if I have time.

Well it's done and shipped so I'll show it now and then move on to the other topics I planned to post about that some of you were probably waiting for ie. my research on a new selling platform etc.

 She's a winged Unicorn Fairy, a protector of the head. The new owner of this piece was kind enough to let me do whatever I wanted in the theme. I've had this in my head for some time but wasn't just going to make it, although I should have anyway.
Her wings are individually hand cut sewn and attached to a wing framework and sewn to her back. It's just an idea of wings, a representation of wings. The stump she sits on is part of the piece too.
Closeup of her face and top. She's made entirely from premium and wool blend felt, except for the hair.
She has articulated hands, which look really weird right here, that can curl around the baby unicorn on her lap.
Baby winged unicorn. I originally thought to give her some music instrument to hold before I decided on this. I'm not entirely happy with the baby, I didn't make a prototype first, I just winged it.
I hope you enjoyed seeing this piece.

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