
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Worktable Wednesday: FREE 4th of July Printable

We don't do much on the 4th of July. My brother usually has a big BBQ and sometimes I go for a while and sometimes I don't. There's always lots of people there for the whole BBQ cookout thing but since my mom is a vegetarian and I'm a vegan, it's not as much fun as it used to be and honestly I'd rather stay home and chill with my dogs anyway.

We do have a fantastic view of fireworks from our patio, which we enjoy every year. It's a nice perk to our condo that we didn't even know about until our 2nd year living here. 

Are You Ready For Your FREEBIE? 

I will admit I was a bit behind on doing this, I literally sat down yesterday and put it all together from the design to the prototypes to the photos, but the printable I made for you is really nice and I think you will enjoy it.

I love making printables that can be used several different ways. After all that's more fun and useful, right? 

I'm showing 3 different ways to use this one freebie and I know there's a ton more.


O.k. so here is what you will need:

  • The 4th of July Printable PDF
  • A 3 inch round die punch or scissors
  • Tape 
  • 1/4 inch (6mm) ribbon or any kind of string or yarn
  • Lollypop sticks 
  • 90lb white card stock or any weight you have


Download and print the 4th of July Printable, kind of a generic name but this is a down and dirty quick tutorial.

Olive photo bombed me as I was taking pics by the patio door.

Use your 3 inch punch die or cut out the graphics with scissors.

I like the die because it's nice and precise. 

I'm not even sure what to call this? A straw holder? Holiday straw decor? Don't know but I thought it was cute. So lets make one! 

Gently soft fold the cut out graphic as shown. You don't want a big crease in the middle.

Using the scissors clip about 3/4 inch at the top and bottom as shown. I'm using scissors because I can't find my xacto knife.

Once the slits are cut slip the straw into the bottom slit as shown.

Then slide the straw thru the top slit as shown and you're done!

Guess what? Turns out this is the only straw in my entire house! I wanted to show a whole group together, but alas no.

Ready For The Next 4th Of July Idea?

Make those 4th of July cupcakes really stand out!

Take one of your graphics and a lollypop stick.

 Tape the stick to the back.

Now you've got a 4th of July cupcake topper. 

I also didn't have any cupcakes. Down and dirty crafting here you guys!

UPDATE: Found some mini cupcakes so I could take a photo for you guys.

Ready For The Last 4th Of July Idea?

 Who loves garlands? I do!

Cut out a bunch, bunch meaning how many you think you'll need.

Punch 2 holes sort of as shown. Doesn't have to be perfect! Tip: use a regular size hole punch if you are using the ribbon. It will work better and the graphics will lay flatter. I didn't and wish I had!

Thread ribbon through holes as shown and keep going until they are all threaded on. 

And ta da! A cute 4th of July garland!

And here is all 3 ideas together.

Isn't it weird how my studio pics are so yellow but my pics in the kitchen, that actually has yellow walls, is so bright and white? Maybe I should start shooting all my photos in the kitchen from now on, lol!

I hope you all have a Happy and Safe 4th of July and I hope you enjoy this 4th of July printable!

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