
Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday WIP - Mermaids

I finished my swap piece from my freak out the other day so was able to move on to another project. I've had an idea for a jointed felt mermaid doll sketched and cut out for a while now. I sewed and stuffed and jointed them and am pretty happy with the pattern. They are only basic bodies, a prototype to work out an idea but with embellishment and hair they could be pretty fun, so well we'll see.
I'm thinking of selling my dolls under a different name than I do my plush. Something more descriptive of the dolls. Any advice on this is very welcome!


  1. love your mermaids, and the jointed tail is great, use your favorite bird or animal name

  2. gosh you're clever!! i would love to be able to create such master pieces. as for a hard. perhaps you could keep part of your old name like sweet'n'sassy fabric dolls but better than that of course.
    good luck, no matter what you call them they are amazing

  3. I love the jointed tails! Awesome!

  4. They are so cool! And I am thinking the same thing. Actually, I am thinking I need a complete overhaul (art-wise, etsy-wise), but I was thinking that my dolls should be somewhere else than my plushies. Or maybe I should just FOCUS. lol!! (Not likely.) I'm not very good at shop names. Try googling stuff, it can help you make a list of ideas. xox Pam

  5. Wow! How cool! and I love the one with her hands woven together in front of her!
    I haven't finished my first cup of coffee so my brain isn't really working properly yet but let me think...hmmm
    Sassy Lita's Dolls? LOL! Just kidding...I think.
    I'll have to get back to ya! :)
    XOXO - Cindi

  6. I like the hands folded and the jointed tail.

  7. hello,
    your blog is very cute!!!

  8. I love these mermaids and I really like how you've jointed their tails.

  9. Your mermaids look great!!:) I love the name sweet n' sassy as ittybitty mentioned.
