
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My WIP Freak Out.

So basically my 4th of July Challenge piece was done and then I noticed something. Someone...and no one has admitted to me who...touched the skirt with greasy fingers! After much swearing, crying, throwing things and a major freak out that a two year old would envy, I had to remove the skirt that took 3 days to handsew and I have to make a new one. Sigh!

Needless to say I'm not happy. I hate having to redo things and this is such a time intensive project for me and it'll be going to another participant so I want it to be the very best I can do.
 A peek from a few days ago.
I look around at my worktables and see all the other projects that are waiting for me and feel a little overwhelmed by it all right now. Well I'm off to work on the new skirt and photos of the completed piece will appear at the end of the week I guess.


  1. OH NO!!!! I would have lost it too! Oh there would have been some screaming and some not so nice language being spewed as well. I'm so sorry to read this, Jen!

  2. I would have sworn like a pirate (and I can do it, too!). Deep breathing, Jen! xox Pam

  3. Oh, my gosh, she's beautiful though. It was probably the cat!

  4. Ohhhhhhh NOOOOOOOOO! OMG I would have been beside myself! Ackkkkk! Sorry hon! Good for you that you stuck with it and redid the dress..and the kids are still breathing!! I live in fear of this all the time. When I complete a complicated ink piece and someone splashed tomato sauce on it..just a drop..but a greasy stain right dead center..I had a heart attack!!
    What can ya do with happens..sigh!
    She is just hon...I love her hair..beautiful job!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  5. Oh, dear! Is there no way you can get it out? I hate it when stuff like that happens. She looks amazing in that photo, though!

  6. OMG! I would have lost it!
    After all that hard work....and then you had to work some more!
    I'm so sorry that happened. :(
    But I agree with Jingle, she looks amazing in the photo!
    XOXO - Cindi

  7. I hope you're doing better today with it. I'd still be mad.

  8. lOVELY,lOvely, lovely..i THINK your work is just fabulous!!..
