Confused about what you even need to do to start making felt crafts?
Well of course you are confused! This is all new to you so how would you even know? Crafts have to be taught the same as scuba diving needs to be taught. Crafting with felt is a skill just like many other types of skills.
I thought I'd start a couple part series on felt crafting, because felt is my life and I love to teach what I know.
Felt doesn't have to be your life too but I can give you some tips, tricks and ideas to help you jump in or wade slowly, whichever you prefer and enjoy felt crafting!
Every week I'll post a new part to this felt series. The whole series will cover:
- Types of felt
- How to properly iron felt - sort of already did this post
- Tools needed
- Tips and tricks
- Gluing vs sewing
- The most commonly used stitches in felt crafts
- Skills to learn to get the most out of your craft experience
- How to find good patterns
To make this series even better there will be some FREE PDF's to download to help you along the way.
I'm currently making a couple of downloadable checklists, supply lists and links to stitching videos to do all I can to help you along your crafty way!

Click the link above or right here and you'll get this FREE guide right in you inbox.
Did you know about my Felt Craft Lovers Group on Facebook?
It's a Facebook felt lovers group for people of all levels sharing tips and cheering each other on. It's a great place to be to talk felt crafts with others. Everyone is welcome! Click here to sign up to join!
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