To try and start the New Year off right I cleaned and organized my studio. It was so cluttered in here that I fled to other parts of the house and made messes there too! I only have after pics cause you've seen messy photos of it before. Now I finally have room to spread out and work. It's not perfect but it'll work for me for now.
Stationery supplies and shipping area.
Main worktable, supply storage and
some of my many collections.
Computer desk or idea central plus more collections.
It will never be this clean again!
Scanner, art books, fabric & plush storage etc.
My mom is going to buy me an Ikea type storage unit
thing for my birthday that will replace all of this.
2nd work table, felt storage & bags of jewelry.
Ignore the mess behind the curtain!
So that's it! Not sure how long it'll stay clean but I promise to try! I wish you all a Happy New Year!